Thursday, December 13, 2012

2nd Grade Begins Work on Electronic Portfolios

During the second grade year, each child works with their classroom teacher to create an electronic portfolio highlighting their work for the year. The portfolios are created using the online tool, VoiceThread. The portfolio includes writing samples, classroom projects, technology projects, art work, photographs, and reflections about the year.

This year, the students will use both the computer as well as iPads to work on their portfolios. Just this week, they learned how to access the VoiceThread app, sign in, navigate through slides, and record themselves speaking in Spanish, reciting alliterations, or reading reflections about Poetry in the Park. The students also learned how to add text comments as well as titles to their slides.

I can't tell you how excited I am about using the iPads for this purpose. It helps make the development of the portfolios a student-driven rather than teacher-driven project.


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