Saturday, September 15, 2012

Keeping Things 'Simple' in Third Grade

Throughout the third grade year, students will be engaged in a variety of STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) activities including robotics and programming. To help prepare them for these future projects, they are engaged in a thorough study of simple machines. After researching the six types of simple machines, students gathered together as a class to create an information web.  Students then practiced identifying simple machines through a variety activities including sorting images on the SmartBoard, visiting online simulations, and exploring a simple machines app on the iPad.

This week, students will go on a photo safari to search for simple machines throughout campus. The digital images captured from the photo safari, once edited, will be used to create posters using the program ComicLife.

Here are few of the fun links students used this week.

Museum of Science and Industry Chicago

EdHeads - Simple Machines

Simple Machines Mind Quiz

K12 Simple Machines

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Starting the Year Off with a Bang!

The computer lab was buzzing with excitement last week as students in kindergarten and second grade were the first to use the new iPad Rolling Lab cart. The cart contains 30 iPads and will be available for checkout by classroom teachers to individualize instruction for students, support the current curriculum with educational applications, and provide more opportunities for students to engage in 21st century skills such as research, critical thinking, problem solving, and collaboration.

Each lesson began with the development of iPad rules generated by the students followed by a brief introduction on basic functions of the iPad such as turning it on, navigating screens, and selecting apps. The majority of the students were quite familiar with the basics and were quick to point out other features for the class such as adjusting volume and changing the orientation of the screen. Anyone watching the scene of children as they worked and talked would be hard-pressed to deny that technology has become ubiquitous in the lives of our children.

2nd Graders Play Rush Hour from Anna Baralt on Vimeo.