While teaching basic computer skills is a core part of the lower division technology curriculum, instruction on the use of technology tools such as still cameras, video cameras, handheld GPS, scanners, document cameras and interactive white boards is also given. Kindergarten students were thrilled to use digital cameras today as they explored shapes in our school environment.
To kickoff the lesson, students were shown Tana Hoban's book Shapes, Shapes, Shapes and asked to identify the various shapes in the photographs. It was then explained that students were going to create their own shape photography books. Before embarking on the scavenger hunt, rules for appropriate camera use were discussed. These rules included:
• Keep your hands clean.
• Keep the camera away from sand, dirt, and water.
• Use the wrist strap at all times.
• Always walk when holding the camera.
Finally, students were given a brief introduction in using the camera such as powering it on/off, learning how to focus and zoom, and holding the camera properly. Working with partners, students took Shape photos across campus.

During their next visit in two weeks, kindergartners will go an alphabet scavenger hunt to further develop their photographic eye.
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