First graders kicked off their unit on the solar system with a discussion about different features found on or near planets in our solar system such as rings, moons, and craters. After viewing a slideshow, students pretended to be astronomers who discovered a new planet in our solar system. Using their new knowledge about planet features, they named, illustrated and described their new "discovery".
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Second graders continue studying the continents and have now moved on to Europe. With research a focus of the curriculum, students chose to learn either about a country or landmark in Europe. This week's lesson reinforced the concept of taking notes rather than copying sentences from a website. This is always a challenge for the students requiring lots of practice and guidance. Students started their research using WorldBook for Kids as well as other kid-friendly, age-appropriate sites and will complete the research independently at home. Students will use the information gathered for upcoming classroom presentations.
During the next rotation in the computer lab, fourth graders will work with a partner to research information about a famous American jazz musician. Facts gathered along with images and media files found on the Web will be used to create an online poster called a glog (sample). A rubric is being used to score the project.
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